When i thought about scientific images, the first thing that came to mind was DNA and the impact it has had in so many different ways. The overall advancements in the science of DNA has impacted our lives i ways that most of us don't even realize. I really like the example of DNA because I just find it so vastly amazing how scientists can alter and modify such small molecular structures in our bodies. And these tiny modifications can change and benifit our lives on Extreamly large scales. For example, just the advancements in the health industry are tremendous due to the reserch and technology of DNA alterations. Every vaccine, drug, and medicine are all devloped and used all through the invent of DNA studies. Ofcourse, along with all the scientific advancements in DNA and all the benificial and really good things that have come from DNA technology, there are many political issues that have manifested as well. The most notable probably being Stem Cell reserch, which while having many staunch supporters and proof of success, also carries many critics that feel stem cell reserch is morally wrong and somehow inhumane and unessesary. I personally feel that the simple benifits and overall good that the reserch would do outwieghs the possible dangers or problems that may occur from the use of stems cells to treat sickness and disease. i guess its just hard for me to understand why people wouldn't want to use stem cell reserch if it would almost certainly help develope a cure for MS for example. Its sad to me to think that horrible and devistating diseases like MS and so many others are denied a possible cure due to certain political, social, and religious groups and their ideals.
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